We are committed to meeting your satisfaction when choosing a breeding horse.
With the new discoveries of DNA markers for genetic defects, it sure adds one more point to consider in when choosing the sire to next year’s foal.
With the new discoveries of DNA markers for genetic defects, it sure adds one more point to consider in when choosing the sire to next year’s foal.
Good …or poor…conformation and disposition are genetic inheritable traits, as well; attitude, talent and discipline…ask any serious breeder of cutting horses, pleasure horses, halter horses, racing…..or whatever direction your interest steers you.
Our choice of the perfect horse starts with balance and overall talent with a WOW factor. The best way to describe WOW…When you see the horse that has the LOOK that takes your breath away

Mark and I have spent a lifetime carefully choosing each cross with the limited number of mares we own. We won’t settle for anything that we wouldn’t be proud to show or sell. In order to do that, we start with the best available. As we all aspire to breed the perfect horse, we are also striving to breed one better than the last one.
We also understand, many times the mare owner gets only one shot at their dream cross and that makes it an even more intense decision. An Awesome Secret and Indelible Image have fulfilled the attitude, trainability, and balance we as breeders are proud of. They also have the WOW factor…the love at first sight that stops your heart just for a moment in time. These stallions have provided us the solution for the WOW factor.
Satisfaction Guarantee!
With the Scientific Community working overtime identifying new genetic markers, it makes us pause to find out which defects are manageable and which ones are yet undiscovered, and which ones may end up with in your gene pool. Conformation is the visible factor of prediction of what is to come in the new foal.
What hidden defects, only revealed with DNA testing, will Scientists discover next?
With that in mind, we offer a Satisfaction Guarantee when it comes to the genetic DNA markers that identify “invisible” inheritable traits only found with DNA testing. We have put it in writing. We put it in the contract. If your foal inherits a “hidden” genetic defect from either of our stallions…you get a chance to rebreed. Each parent contributes 50% of the equation which is why we encourage mare owners to test their mares.
The Satisfaction Guarantee will not remove all of the unknown factors related to breeding. It will cover all of the genetic defects that have been discovered to date and include the next year and the newest DNA defects the Scientists may identify while your mare is carrying that foal.
Along with those discoveries, we will also see more information on management of each of these latest discoveries. The genetic markers aren’t new. The tests are new.
We invite you to take a look at "the boys". We took these videos and photo shoot the middle of October 2011. Each of them has the WOW factor and they are producing WOW.
We have current videos of “the boys”. Each of them has the WOW factor and they are producing WOW.
Our goal is to give you the best breeding experience and the foal of your dreams...We hope you can breath a little easier knowing that we are taking the Genetic Fear Factor out of your breeding equation.
These videos were taken the middle of October 2011.
If you have ANY questions, pleas contact us at smithshowhorses@aol.com or give us a call 888-801-1685. If you are on facebook look us up...we have hundreds of photos of the babies, the mares and the stallions.
We have also addressed PSSM and some of the Genetic defects in earlier posts. Take some time and look these articles up, right here on the blog. The latest one is from September 2011. it is written by Dr. Stephanie Varberg from th e University of MN, the leading expert on PSSM.