This map does not show county and township roads, but you can see where we are located in relationship to Fargo and The Red River.
We live right where The Maple and The Sheyenne River come together. The Sheyenne empties into The Red River about 7 miles north of us. The Red River needs to go down a couple more feet before we can start moving our water out. So that could take awhile.
The level are near 1997 for us. We lost our house that year, due to ice dams and blocked water flow. When we rebuilt we added 3.5 feet to our historical high. We have a long way to go before the water could ever threaten us. We are nearly as high as the Railroad track that boarders our property to the south (not shown on this map). We knew when we built, we may not have roads during a flood event like this, but our house would be safe.
We wade through knee deep water from our driveway and township road (about 1/4 mile). We change into our walking shoes/boots and walk 1 mile down the railroad tracks to our car and pickup. We currently have 8" of snow on the level...with a blizzard just 3 hours away from us that has already dropped over 10" of snow on Bismarck. We are suppose to experience that weather pattern by noon or 1:00 pm today and another one coming right after that! The weather service is predicting 5-8" of heavy snow by Tuesday evening.
We are safe and dry. We have enough feed and bedding to last a month. All of the horses (12) are in the barn. They take turns with turn out. The roads were out for 6 weeks in 1997. We're hoping it will only be 3-4 this year. We have 1 week almost behind us!
We are safe and dry but a little inconvenience compared to most.
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