The foal arrived during a memorable event in our area, the Flood pf 2009, and now we are thinking of the perfect name!
One thought is to commemorate, if you will, this horrible flood event that has brought out more positive acts of kindness and compassion that we have taken for granted as we rushed around in our other life. We learned there is hope and strength in our community. We learned that our community of friends and family extend across the world. Many have contacted us and followed "our flood", and kept us close in thought and prayer. ....Maybe we need to have bad times in order to recognize the good times.
His official barn name is Smitty. Mark and I purchased the property we live at April 2nd, 1977 from his grandfather, Francis Smith. His friends knew him as Smitty. April 2nd was Smitty's birthday.
So on to the name...There are a few words that come to mind. RIO (river), ROJO (red), Ricky (strong, powerful), Risky...I'm looking for suggestions.
And by the way...if you own him, you get the deciding vote.
I'm still figuring out how to do this. How about "An Awesome Grandpa" or "An Awesome Smitty", those would be appropriate for you or for his perspective owner. Personally, being a past "Smith", I like the last one.
I like the Smith part staying in there, especially with his barn name. I have also had private emails that have suggested: I Am A Secret Fool, An Impressive Fool, Impressive Secret Fool. Using the bloodlines and the dates. I was leaning towards the Ricky Rojo Rio, or Risky Rio commemorating the 2009 flood. The colt has been sold. Naming rights went with the sale. The final vote was cast and his name is Wordsmith. The new buyer has had a horse named Press Agent adn Magazine Writer. You probably know who is the new owner.