As we approach the holiday season,and we look back at the past year and remember the catatrophic tragedy our entire country has endured from hurricanes, floods,

As we look back, we keep our memories of our friends close to our hearts. The friends we have made during our lifetime with the ApHC give us the reasons we stay. Through those friendships we have built a family across the United States and feel honored to be a part of breeding programs across the country and the world.
As the holidays approach, take time to make that phone call and tell your friends how much you miss them. The gift of time is priceless.
If we haven’t told you lately, “Thank you for including us in your breeding decisions. We are blessed to be a part of such a wonderful family.”
Wishing you a successful 2012.
Mark & Gail Smith
Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your lives. Very much looking forward to "The Diva's" first foal from "An Awesome Secret." Thanks for all you do! Marguerite :-)